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  • 杭州翻译公司教你8个表达快乐的习语

    Its a glorious Friday afternoon here in London. I am sitting in my garden surrounded by trees, flowers and birdsong. It is blissful and I can say that I am truly happy at this moment. 这是伦敦周五下午。我坐在树木花草环绕的花园里,鸟儿鸣唱...

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  • 杭州翻译公司带你赏析英语中的中文

    Chinese civilization stretches back at least to the 3rd millennium BC. It is the source of many of the worlds great inventions, including paper, the compass, gunpowder, and printing, not to mention china (porcelain) itself. But maybe the g...

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  • 杭州翻译公司教你区分25个最常弄错含义的单词

    1. Irony 你认为单词的含义是:滑稽的事。 单词的真正含义是:事与愿违的。 这是一个典型的单词,因为经常有人用错。解释起来可能有点困难,所以我们还是举例说明吧。泰坦尼克号号称100%不会沉没,但1912年它还是意外沉没了,这就叫宇宙反讽。要是某个饿得不...

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  • 杭州翻译公司告诉你9个看似谎言的事实

    1) Two out of three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the time they are 70 (1)在70岁的时候会有三分之二的澳大利亚人会得皮肤癌 The Cancer Council of Australia says that, over past decades, the incidence of skin cancer has ris...

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  • 杭州翻译公司教你地道的英式口语

    It's time to go.该走了。 It's different.那是不同的。 It's funny.很滑稽。 It's impossible.那是不可能的。 It's not bad.还行。 It's not difficult.不难。 It's not worthit.不值得。 It's obvious.很明显。 It's the same thing.还是一样的。 It's you...

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  • 杭州翻译公司带你分析英式礼貌背后的真心话

    曾经遇到过新邻居对你说你得过来吃个晚饭,可几个礼拜后邀请迟迟不来? 或者是激动地听到上司说他会记住你非常有趣的想法,却惊讶他再也没提过这件事? 那你就是拥有独特特征的英式英语的受害者了,英式英语对于表达真实所想来说太过拘谨、礼貌了。其实对于英...

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